Revision 18 as of 2017-02-07 06:56:11

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DevLol has an enourmous Window onto Hofgasse. The window is home to many extraordinary things created by our members. An alternative for the shy project developer as well as for the utalitarian is the YellowBoard close by. Unlike the YellowBoard your project will be well-secured in the window space and exposed to the curious public.


Real time visualization of the tramways in Linz.

Echtzeit Visualisierung der Straßenbahnen in Linz.

making of BimLights


Touch one of the colored Buttons to change the color of a lightstipe inside...

Durch berühren eines der färbig umrandeten Felder am Fenster, ändert sich die Farbe eines LED-Streifens im Hackerspace.

The head

Internet connected head full of leds:

for example green:

mosquitto_pub -h -t 'devlol/devices/the-head/light/cb/set' -m 'gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg'

WinkeKatze / HI 5

By touching the hand symbol on the window, WinkeKatze gets activated and HI5 is send to IRC Chat.

Berührt man das Handsymbol am Fenster, winkt die Winkekatze und HI5 wird an den IRC Chat Channel gesendet.

CHAT see at Contact:

DevLol Light Box

DevLol Light Box

Change the color of the box on:

3D Print

A few samples of 3D-Printing-Art

color:             frequency:  

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